Not So Deep Thoughts By Me

Random, like this post.

Random, like this post.

I’ve been trying to piece together an actual blog post.  However I’m having some sort of severe anxiety attack tonight so I guess it’s not going to happen.  I’ve been trying to finish an award post and can’t.  Two other posts I would like to finish are sitting with random sentences.  The words are not flowing and the ideas are not forming the way I would like them.  On the other hand, my Fly on the Wall post for next month is already written.  Is that sad?  So instead of a regular post I present you with some random thoughts I have had recently.  And signs, because they’re funny:

I bought Secret deodorant.  Today I noticed that it was an “Invisible Solid”.  If it’s invisible then why can I see it?

Who made the decision that some of the boxes of Valentines should have only 16 cards in them?  How did they arrive at the number 16?  Or 32 for that matter?  I’d like to see the mathematical formula they used to come up with that.

Recently someone called The Opinionated Man started following my blog.  I had to check to make sure it wasn’t my husband.  It wasn’t.


I learned the hard way:  never, ever, ever try to save money by buying the basic Venus razor cartridges instead of the Venus Divine.  My legs feel like someone rubbed sandpaper all over them.

Who gets zits on their neck?  Apparently I do.

Am I really immature for laughing hysterically at Superhero Movie?  What’s worse is that I will never be able to attend a funeral now…

It’s very hard to feel sexy when you’re wearing a Hello Kitty band-aid on your finger.

The check engine light is on in my car.  Ok, there’s nothing funny about that…

funny sign 2

Have a great start to your week!  I hope to be writing actual posts again soon…

30 thoughts on “Not So Deep Thoughts By Me

  1. I too get neck zits. Sometimes people mistake them for hickeys, which is embarrassing. Although I’m not sure why I deny that it’s a hickey. It’s not like having a huge pimple on my neck is less shameful.

  2. I get this; the racing thoughts. I think that sometimes we must exorcize them publicly or on paper privately so we can move forward with more … sense. I get neck zits too now. It’s because we are women of a certain age. NnnnNNnnnnn.

  3. I believe they make packs of 16 valentines for 4-year-old preschool classes. If that is not what you’re buying them for, then they do it purposely so you have to buy two and have some leftover to drive you crazy and clutter up your house…but not enough for next year, so you have to buy two packs next year.

  4. Wow! For not having anything to say you came up with a kick-ass blog post! This is hysterical. I just love the way your mind works! And hey, I always wondered the same thing about valentine cards. Xmas cards come the same way. How do they come up with these numbers? That’s one of the stupid things I think about when I have insomnia at 3:00am. I’m working on an awards post for this week, too. In other words, you’ll be hearing from me…. 😉

    • Yippee! I have nominated you, if I ever get the post done. I think that’s what triggered my anxiety last night-I am trying to award to bloggers that don’t already have the award and to ones that proudly display them on their blogs!

  5. I love random thoughts. Gives me that peek into your psyche and lets me know I’m not the only crazy person out here. LOL 😉 I had a zit on my neck the other day. And do you ever get those weird, long white hairs on your neck? Like you were an old Chinese guy in a past life? No? Just me? Hmmm… And Hello Kitty can too be sexy. I mean look at Katy Perry. lol

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