Fly on the Wall March 2013: The Michael Bolton Edition


Have you ever thought about what people might think if they saw what goes on behind-the-scenes at your house? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to catch a glimpse of someone else’s daily life? Here’s your chance. Today 16 brave bloggers are inviting you into their homes to be a fly on the wall.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on the link below the post for a peek into some other homes:

Originally I was going to do a post solely dedicated to Evil Genius.  Then I went ahead and used my material for A Man, A Plan, And A Stache.  However, I do think I can share these gems that I already have taken up the memory on WordPress since I uploaded it previously.  May I present evolution in my household…

February 2013-001

No hair, full beard, and then pornstache. We’re now back to clean shaven.

There wasn’t just the growth, reduction and then removal of facial hair going on this month, we had other things happening too:

Me to Evil Genius “Aren’t you done yet with that game you’re playing?  What is it, Twilight?”
Evil Genius:  “It’s Skyrim!  Not Twilight!  How dare you insult my game?”
In my defense, I knew it had to do with the sky.

The Professor is laughing hysterically at first a show and then a commercial after it.  It was getting out of hand.
“Ok, that’s enough!”  Evil Genius says to him.
“All right,” The Professor replies “I’ll only laugh if something’s funny.”
Evil Genius interjects, “I hope so.  People that laugh at things that aren’t funny are called crazy people.”

Princess:  “Mommy you are older than when you were 18 years old.”
Me “Yes.”
Princess:  “You are older than when you were four years old.”
Me:  “Yes, where are you going with this?”

Evil Genius:  “Anyone have a protractor?”
Me:  “Yes, I think there is one up in the **crap cabinet…. Oh wait, is that the thingie that you draw circles with or the arc thingie?”
Evil Genius: *hysterical laughter for quite some time*  “It’s the arc looking thing.  The other of which you speak is a compass.”
Me:  *Goes upstairs to the crap cabinet, cannot find this arc looking thing so I bring what I can find*  “Can I interest you in fancy letter stencils, a ruler, or a bowl that you can trace?”
**The Crap Cabinet is our Craft Cabinet, only we quit calling it that a long time ago…

Am I the only one who sees 99 views on my blog and automatically goes THERE-you know, to singing “99 Blog Page Views…”.  Oh come ON, it’s to the tune of 99 Red Balloons!

Evil Genius to Princess Difficult:  “Give me back my hat!  I need it until I get a sombrero.”

The Professor:  “I want carrots, but not those Pehtight ones.”
WHAT????  It took me a minute… “Oh, you mean the petite ones!”

Me to Evil Genius “I’m freaking out a little.  We got some ominous looking mail today.”
Evil Genius gives me a strange look “Ominous?”
ME:  “It was playing organ music and everything.”

Princess Difficult is eating some leftover fish from the night before:  “Mommy, did you catch this fish in the ocean?”

Evil Genius:  “You know what my Ipod is missing?  Michael Bolton.”
And then we had to look up his music because neither of us could remember anything by him except this SNL digital short:

Princess Difficult to me after spending the day with grandma while I worked:  “Mommy I will NEVER let you go out by yourself again!”

On a Monday morning at 5:45 am, Evil Genius was trying to finds his steel-toed boots.  He could only find one.  We were both just dumbfounded about where the other one could be.  He went to work sans boots.  That night when he got home he asked The Professor if he had seen his boot.  The Professor knew right where it was.  He ran into his room and appeared with the boot.  The reason it was in his room? “We kept it just in case the boxelder bug came back.”

The Princess is giving all of the kitties on the various animal shelter websites that show up in my newsfeed on Facebook.  “That one is Flossie.  I want to call that one Mimi.”  She spies a long haired gray one.  “That one is named Alcohol!”

Evil Genius told me that someone he knew made Scottish eggs.
Me:  “Aren’t those the eggs with the meat around them?”
Evil Genius:  “Yes.”
Me:  “Sounds unhealthy.”
Evil Genius:  “If you wrapped en egg with ground chicken, could you then ask ‘what came first, the chicken or the egg?'”

I hope you enjoyed this look into the nuttiness that goes on in my house!  Now check out these other links and see what a fly on the wall would see in their household!

21 thoughts on “Fly on the Wall March 2013: The Michael Bolton Edition

  1. Laughing at all that goes on in your home, but especially the age thing, I always told my kids I was 18. First they believed me, then they realized I wasn’t getting older as the years went by and I stayed 18, then they saw the value (to them) in just letting it go.

  2. Ahhhh Sarah, our families MUST meet one day! We’d get along just fine. We too, have the CRAP cabinet. No one ever wants to go in there, though. Scary things reside inside. And the 99 blog views? I didn’t hear” Red Balloons”..I heard, “99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer….” Gawd, what does that tell you about MY upbringing???

  3. You had me at “Michael Bolton”. Only I think of Office Space. We have crap drawers, crap boxes AND the garage. Same-same-same 🙂
    I love the story of the steel-toed boots. I would absolutely keep (hide?) one around for spiders.

  4. Pornstache – bahahaha!!! Hubs had one and REFUSED to shave it so I made him grow a goatie. I love him but Tom Selleck he ain’t. And I love that you call the craft cabinet the crap cabinet!!

    Cute post!!

    Penny at Green Moms and Kids

  5. I’m not sure I will be able to look at the word petite again without first pronouncing it pehtight. So funny!

    My 3 yo loves “99 Red Balloons” and I’ve listened to it countless times and still only know a handful of the lyrics.

  6. That’s hilarious…I want to live in your house just for the laughs!!!
    Your hubby is handsome clean shaven. I am not one for facial hair myself.

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  7. Hilarious! Your house sounds very entertaining!

    Thanks for sharing your favorite post at Raising Imperfection! We feature our favorites on Friday, make sure to come back and check.

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