REBLOG: Where Have All The Humans Gone?

Trimmed a little bit and now being reblogged. Another one of my personal favorites-I really would like to have that “Automated Mom Menu!”

The Sadder But Wiser Girl

All I really wanted to do was talk to a real live human being.  I just had questions.

Does anyone actually like the automated menus that most companies have gone to that supposedly help improve the customer experience?  I find that whenever I call one of these places, I never need any of the choices they have on their menu.  We have our mortgage through a major lender, and I have only had to call for things that the menu lady doesn’t recognize, so called “normal stuff”.  For example, I never need to check my balance when I call, because I have the internet to do that.  The last couple of times I have called, it has been about an overpayment.

The menu lady doesn’t understand that word, and there really wasn’t anything on the menu that really matched what I needed.  Anything about payments just was her reciting my…

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3 thoughts on “REBLOG: Where Have All The Humans Gone?

  1. Yes! I have been dealing with the dumb automated systems all week. My co-worker cracks up as I sit at my desk, yelling, “I don’t have it” to “Chip,”who I may have wanted to punch in the face. 😉

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