The Cap’n Countdown: A Geek Girl Post

The-First-Avenger -Captain-America-movie-poster-(2011)-picture-MOV_f134343e_bHi Steve Rogers:

You don’t know me, but I just want to say this…

Of all the formerly frozen guys in the world, you are totally my favorite.

(Giggles and runs away.)

On Friday April 4th, I finally get to have my date with the Cap’n.  I have to share him with a friend, but I think he can take it.

Also, I don’t get out much…

(Sorry Iron Man, but a geek girl’s got needs.)

Twisted Mixtape Tuesday: Dairy Free Love Songs

twisted mixtape tuesday


This week’s theme for Twisted Mixtape Tuesday is love songs. 

While I’m not a big fan of the whole mushy sappy love thing, I do appreciate a little thought and romance from time to time.  A note, a gesture, an acknowledgement that I’ve done something besides take up space in my house…

That’s right, in case you couldn’t guess my husband and I have been married for almost 15 years.  Although we’re not exactly in the honeymoon phase, I do try to let him know on a regular basis that I still love him.  I tell him every night, I leave him notes, I let him live. Over the years of our marriage I’ve created him various “mixtapes” (um… cds) of music for various occasions.  I know there have been a few romantic mixes in there too. And I’m sure if I looked hard enough I’d find some of them.

Truth be told these days if I wanted to make him a “love mix”, outside of being able sneak into Pandora and make a secret station that automatically plays what I tell it to, I would have to create a playlist on Itunes.  Only he doesn’t really have Itunes.  I mean, he has it, but when he tried to download it a lot of questionable stuff came with it.  So instead he’ll have to settle for listening to this edition of Twisted Mixtape Tuesday.   It’s dairy-free, which means NO CHEESE!

(I once burned three whole CDs of what I consider full fat music-and appropriately entitled it “Don’t Forget The Cheese”.)

dairy_free2Interestingly enough there is no song that is entitled “I Had To Marry the Interesting Guy” or “It’s So Nice When You Are Conscious AND In A Good Mood”.  So naturally the list contains other songs that I deem appropriate for such a playlist.

iron man 3 (2)

Or any song that contains this quote from Iron Man 3…

Maybe I’m amazed that I’ve let him live this long?  Nah…

Maybe I’m Amazed-Paul McCartney

I’ve never had anyone write me a song.  Maybe that’s a good thing?  I’d be kind of scared about what might be written.  I’m not totally ruling that out, you know, just in case you want to write me one, honey…

Your Song-Elton John

This song still makes me all twitterpated.

All I Ask of You-Cast of Phantom of the Opera

While I’m not a big Dierks Bentley fan I do love this song… I stuck in because yeah, I just like it…

I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes-Dierks Bentley

Considering on which school of music you hail from, this might fall under your dairy category.  I don’t care, it’s Journey, dangit!  (Cut to the scene from Scrubs that I can’t find where Carla says to JD “Nobody loves Journey as much as you do…)


I’m saving you from the world’s longest music video… get it? I saved… oh, forget it, just listen to the song.

You Save Me-Kenny Chesney

What love songs drive you crazy?  What love songs do you consider dairy free?  I’d love to hear about them! 


Aw love… it’s swell. Quit staring at my boobs, will ya?

Who Am I Wearing?: Clothes By Comfortable, Lack of Selfie Skills By Me

I'd like to thank the little people... the little person that made me the crown, that is...

I’d like to thank the little people… the little person that made me the crown, that is…

Yay!  It’s awards season!  I’m so excited because I can finally share my sexy wardrobe off to the whole world!  Let me tell you, my everyday fashion is about as hot as you can get.  Tie-dyed or purple, yoga pants or sweatpants, I’m pulled together like nobody’s business!

Now I must point out that while my fashion skills are impeccable, my selfie skills are only subpar.  I rarely take pictures of myself because I have this great talent of blinding myself with the flash.

IMG_0138-MIX (2)

I can assure you this whole outfit cost me less than $2. It’s a pity you can’t see my really cool brown sweatpants.

Sooner or later, as in the image below, I just give up and have my kids take my picture… technically not a “selfie” per se, but my “self” IS in the photo.

I like to call this one "Don't laugh at me or I will slap you with my freakishly big hand!"

I affectionately refer to this photo as “Don’t laugh at me or I will slap you with my freakishly big hand!”

Did I mention that I’m as graceful as an elephant?  Here I’m wearing an icepack by 3M.  (I’d suffered an unfortunate run-in with a paper cutter at work that very day….)

Even at work I'm a fashion plate.  I'm thinking that the no lipgloss of any kind look is going to be the in thing any day now.

See?  Even at work I’m a fashion plate. I’m thinking that the no lipgloss of any kind look is going to be the in thing any day now.

So to heck with glamour.  As you can see, I have none.  What are YOU wearing?  (And I don’t mean in a creepy and/or Jake from State Farm kind of way.)

More like this…

who-are-you-wearing-2Ahem, as I was saying-tell us who and/or what you’re wearing this awards season.  “We really want to know, #WhoAreYOUWearingMom ? Tweet it, share it on Instagram, or, if you’re a blogger, link up your own post by following the linky below – feel free to copy the graphic above. The linkup will be open until Sunday night. This Award Season, let’s celebrate real mom fashion!”  And don’t forget to see who everyone else is wearing by visiting them too!

Cohosted by the following extra stylish ladies:

Katia of I Am The Milk

Jen of My Skewed View

Jean at Mama, Schmama

Sarah at Left Brain Buddha

Stephanie at Mommy, For Real

Deb at Urban Moo Cow

Rachel at Tao of Poop

Jane at Nothing by the Book

Kristi at Finding Ninee

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Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

Cable Makes Me A Better Person

autumn-leavesI really think I need to make a new award.  It would go to the person who is not related to me or knows me in real life that has followed me the longest.  Melissa from Motherhood is an Art would totally get that award if I created it.  Amongst all of the people who followed me from the start, she was the first blogger who truly read and commented on my posts!  I love her blog-I wish we were neighbors because I would love to be able to hang out with her (and her family)!  

This post is especially relevant for me because we recently were able to reclaim paid-for TV.  It’s not as extravagant as it sounds, since we just happened to find a local company that we could get cable AND internet for the same price as we were paying for just internet!  Read on to see why Melissa thinks cable improves her life:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe recently subscribed to cable again after a 2 year hiatus from it. We cancelled it because it was so overpriced and the customer service is absolutely atrocious. Any one of my three children would be more gracious and helpful than most of the morons they have working for them.


I feel shallow for saying this but cable and the addition of the DVR (digital video recorder) option makes me a better person.

Today I thought I would share with you why cable has tickled my pickle:

  1. I usually miss every broadcast of the news. It is nice to record it and find out what is going on in the world.
  2. Speaking of finding out what’s going on in the world, everyone keeps talking about this Duck Dynasty show. It will be nice to know what they are talking about.
  3. Before cable if my children got hurt while I was watching a show they had to rate their pain and blood spewing amount on a scale of 1-10 to determine if I could wait until commercial to tend to them.
  4. On the subject of commercials…commercials work! Without cable I had to watch every commercial and let me tell you every time I saw an ad about any restaurant I was suddenly starving. Perhaps I can lose some weight now that I can fast forward through the commercials.
  5. The rewind feature is very important to me. Often times my kids are so noisy and I find myself wondering if the main character has just screamed, “I’m dying” or if it was just “I’m trying.” This can really change the whole story line.
  6. I really missed Mrs. Duggar, you know the lady with 19 kids. Sometimes I feel like torching the television when I see her and her sunny disposition all while keeping 19 kids in line. Other times it gives me the push I need…if she can put up with 19 kids and Jim Bob every day I can certainly handle my brood.
  7. Some days just require a Lifetime movie marathon complete with pajamas and endless chocolate.
  8. If I would have had the record feature on May 6, 2004 I could have avoided one of my biggest regrets. I saw every single episode of Friends except for the very last one. Talk about major bummer. When The Middle decides to call it quits I should be good even if I decide to go out that night.
  9. I actually have a lot more time on my hands. Instead of wasting an hour watching Dr. Phil so I can feel better about myself because I’m not the weirdest person in the world, I have shaved that time down to about 30 minutes with the fast forward feature.
  10. And the biggest reason I love cable is because sometimes you just need a laugh and the pause feature does that for me. I randomly hit the pause button when people are talking so I can see images like this:


IMG_1623Melissa is a mother to 3 kids living in Wisconsin. She navigates the triumphs and perils of motherhood using creativity and humor!

Like the post?  Now LOVE the blog.  Go visit her blog by clicking HERE!

September 2013 Secret Subject Swap: Senseless


Welcome to the latest edition of The Secret Subject Swap!  Presented to you by the lovely Karen of Baking in a Tornado, this fun begins with participating bloggers sending in top secret prompts ahead of time.  Each blogger is then assigned one of these prompts and the resulting posts are all shared at the same time!

My prompt was:  If you had to lose any of your senses, which one would you choose and why?  It was submitted by

Oh boy, I really need those senses! As a mom it is VERY important that I have my eyes and ears handy-you never know what those kids are up to… Though I will say that there are many things I’ve seen over the years that I think that I wouldn’t mind giving up my sight because of.  Sometimes you just want to unsee things.

unseeSense of touch?  Very necessary for hugs from my kids and the occasional touch of the spouse!  My sense of taste?  Sorry I’m not giving that up-because I need to be able to taste my chocolate and my wine!

So if I had to choose one to lose, it would definitely be my sense of smell…

Think about it.  I like smelling things that smell good, don’t get me wrong!  This is kind of one of THOSE questions, like would you rather have poison ivy or poison sumac.  Every choice is going to have it’s negative side, but I’d much rather not be able to smell than to not be able to taste or see or hear or touch.

In all honesty, I really think the nose was kind of an afterthought when god was putting the humans together anyway.

“Hmmmm… something is missing.  This really seems off.  We need to have something right there in the middle.  You know, right above the mouth and below the eyes.  Oh it should probably DO something too.”

And it’s probably a good thing he did that, because otherwise we’d all look like Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter!

VoldemortWandAnd then just to show he had a sense of humor, that’s why he created farts.  Think about what the first fart had to have been like.

Adam:  “Hey Eve, pull my finger!”

I know there have been many times in my life when I wished my nose would go take a long hike off a short pier.  Especially at bedtime after consumption of both chili and beer and beer of said spouse.  Or having to endure the stench of manure spread out on our local farm fields.  Or hitting a skunk with the car.

So yes as a former childcare provider, a wife, a mom of two, and a dog owner,  I am pretty sure that I have smelled all that there is to smell and then some.  A lot of it hasn’t been pleasant!  Having held the title of poop detective for many years, I think I’d be okay with giving up that gig.

sbd dog fartAnd not to mention, not being able to smell would not take away my enjoyment of online stuff one little bit.  Even if they did invent Smellbook, I think I’d be good.

So yeah, I might not be able to write the next “Smelly Cat”, but I think I’d be okay…

If the same situation were to arise for for you, what would YOU be willing to give up?

WAIT!  Don’t go away!  Take a little time and check out some of the other posts by my fellow swappers down below.  Interested in participating in a future swap?  Contact Karen at Baking in a Tornado for details of what to do!                              Baking In A Tornado                                   The Momisodes                              Just A Little Nutty                        Follow me home . . .         Moore Organized Mayhem             Stacy Sews and Schools                              The Sadder But Wiser Girl                                   Dinosaur Superhero Mommy                      Searching For Sanity                                         Crazy As Normal                       Menopausal Mother

Http://                                     Moms Don’t Say That

Twisted Mixtape Tuesday: To All The Geeks I’ve Loved Before

Jen Kehl

This week’s Twisted Mixtape Tuesday theme is “Best of…”.  I thought and thought and thought about this theme.  I decided I couldn’t pick just one group, nor could I choose something mainstream. 

I got to thinking about the fact that I am such a geek that I started following Wil Wheaton’s cat on Twitter.  Don’t laugh.  On second thought, go ahead and laugh, I don’t care!  I decided that this post will be dedicated to all my geek and nerd peeps!  Behold-The Best of GEEK Music! 

(Oh come on, did you really think I would choose something normal?)

IMG_0718Let’s start out with something a little more mainstream for you geekphobes…

One Week-Barenaked Ladies

Did you memorize the words to this song?  I didn’t but I know plenty of people who tried to!

Klingon Style (parody of Gangnum Style by Psy)

Move over Psy, these Klingons got the moves.

She Blinded Me With Science-Thomas Dolby

Remember this song from the 80s?

White and Nerdy-Weird Al Yankovic

I still want to know-did Weird Al have to beg Donny Osmond to be in this video?

The Elements-Tom Lehrer

Want to learn the periodic table?  This is one of my son’s very favorite songs, and for good reason!

Particle Man-They Might Be Giants

It was a toss up between this one and Istanbul (Was Constantinople).  I know I’ve shared the latter on here, so here is the other fave in our house from these legendary musicians…

The Pi Song-Hard N’ Firm

The comments on this video are classic… “It helps to write it down…”  And yes, I am well aware of the terrible name of this musical group.

Highly Illogical-Leonard Nimoy

How much geekier can you get than a song by Spock himself?

The Saga Begins-Weird Al Yankovic

And of course I saved the best for last, because I’ll be singing this now until next year. That’s okay though, because I really needed a different song in my head than the Puddle of Mudd song from last week!

Got your geek on yet?

Got your geek on yet?

Now that you’ve heard my Best Of… be sure to click on the button at the top to see what other more normal choices have been made by more normal people that participate in this…

PS-Not a cat person?  You can follow Wil Wheaton’s dog on Twitter too…

TMT: We’re Not Even Vampires

Jen Kehl

As usual, I have started making a mix and realized that I really had no clue what the “inner meaning” of this week’s special theme was.  All my addled brain got out of it was “I suck, you suck”. Yeah,  and we’re not even vampires. 

Soooooo this post is supposed to be all about how much people suck?  I wasn’t feeling it.  As usual I’m kind of going to stay “around” the subject here.

You suck songs? 

You Suck from Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Here’s a song that I think pretty much sums it up.  There’s a bad word or two in this one.  Hey, we’ve all been there…

How about apology songs?  Like this one, the best apology song EV-ERRR:

Hard to Say I’m Sorry-Chicago

So Jen went to see Chicago this week.  I hate her for it.  And now I’m sorry for saying that. I feel a little better knowing that she didn’t get to see the “good” Chicago with Peter Cetera.

We could go with an “Oh crap I messed up and now she’s gone and I can’t find her and I feel really really bad about the fact that I treated her like crap and I can’t stop crying song… ok…

She Wouldn’t Be Gone-Blake Shelton

Beatin on the dash, screamin out her name on the windshield, tears soaking up my face, if I’d loved her this much all alooooooong… Sing it, Blake.

There’s your classic “Well it’s over and I feel bad but oh well song…”

Every Rose Has Its Thorn-Poison

I mean come on, it got Bill and Ted into Heaven…

Or here’s a song where people just plain hate each other…

She Hates Me-Puddle of Mudd

This song has been in my head for a WEEK now.  Curse you, Twisted Mixtape Tuesday!!!!!

Does this mixtape make any sense to you?  It totally did to me.  But then again, you’ve seen the other stuff I’ve written… This has been the Nonsense Version of TMT.  Now back to you Jen…

you-suckBy clicking on the cassette tapes at the top, you will magically be transported to another world.  Please listen responsibly, because I’ve got enough on my plate already without having to come bail you out!

Confessions of a Geek

Theme ThursdayThis post originally appeared as a guest post on my friend MJ Mele’s blog An Old and Cranky Gamer.  When I heard that this week’s Theme Thursday was going to be geek culture, I of course had to dig into my files to retrieve this gem masterpiece mindless drivel.  Read on to read about my experience as a lady geek.

You know I never actually got to go to band camp? The above picture could very well be me:  A redhead who played the flute in band from elementary school through college and beyond.  But I never went to band camp, so technically I can’t have the cool catch phrase “Like this one time, in band camp…”

My band days may be long gone, but that doesn’t make things much different for me. Throw me in any social situation these days and I’m like a fish out of water, a hobbit out of the shire, or dare I say a taun taun in the desert.  I know, AWKWARD.  I live in rural Iowa where I fit in sooooo well.  Good times.

Part of my problem is my inherent inability to make this thing known as small talk.  While I can talk about the weather for a few minutes, and maybe a thing or two about my kids, the vast majority of things that fascinate other people don’t even really register on my radar.

That’s because I speak GEEK.  Yeah, I’m one of those.  Not only am I a geek, I’m also married to one.  In addition to this, I’m raising my very own geeklings.  I’ve seen and I can totally kick your butt at Star Wars trivia.

Evil Genius at the Lego Store at the Mall of America.  He dreams of a Lego Death Star.  His mean wife keeps telling him no.

Evil Genius at the Lego Store at the Mall of America. He dreams of a Lego Death Star. His mean wife keeps telling him no.

Don’t get me wrong, I like some of the things that decidedly normal people like.  I like clothes.  I work out.  I love movies and music.  I like a big glass of wine on the weekends.  I like to look at Pinterest.  But despite all of these things I seriously belong to a whole other world.

Years ago I tried to hide my geekiness and act like normal people, but as I have gotten older and have been referred to more than once as kind of weird, I realize that it really doesn’t matter any more.

So I’m going to make it a little easier on you people.  I present to you the vastly contrasting things between what would be considered a “normal” female’s world and mine:


I like to talk about movies.  But don’t talk to me about The Notebook or Silver Linings Playbook.   I’d rather talk about Iron Man 3.

IMG_1733Oh, you know a little French?  I know a little Klingon.

Golf is a four letter word in your house?   Hmmmm, Skyrim is the same thing in my house.

Do you own pets named Fluffy and Spike?  Mine are named Rogue,  Neo, and Tiberius.

What do your kids like to spend money on?  My 5 and 8 year old children pooled their Christmas money so that they could buy Skylanders for our Xbox.

So you say you can name all of the people on Real Housewives of Orange County?  I can name every major character on all five Star Trek series.

You said you’ve read the whole 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy?  I’ve read the whole Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

You named your kids names like Emma and Brayden.  We considered names like Jadzia and Zephram.

You spent your Saturday morning getting a pedicure?  I spent mine at the comic book store.

My son loves the comic book store.  Where else can you hang out with Leonard and Sheldon?

My son loves the comic book store. Where else can you hang out with Leonard and Sheldon?

Your say your kids got an Xbox? I’ll see your Xbox and raise you an Atari, a 3DO, a Nintendo, a SuperNintendo, a GameCube, a Playstation 2, and a TANDY.  Yes, a Tandy.

Your favorite show is Gossip Girl?  Mine is The Big Bang Theory.

You went to see Sex and the City on opening night?  I saw Star Trek: Insurrection on opening night.  I was one of the only girls there, unless you counted the ones in the ISU Marching Band.  By the way that had to be the coolest night of my life.

How many times have you watched Bridgette Jones Diary?  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen The Empire Strikes Back at least 100 times.

You play the Sims a little?  I bet my husband’s Sims could kick your Sims asses.

What did you ask for when it was your birthday?  I asked to go see Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness!


So there you have it.  I’m totally okay with being a big geek.  If that scares you away, so be it.  I wouldn’t be trying too hard to talk to you anyway!  😉

I also wrote about accepting my geekiness many moons ago in the post Learning To Embrace Geekdom.

Now go forth and read further about geek culture by clicking on the Theme Thursday button at the top! 


Old School Blogging: We’re NOT Going Streaking

old schoolWe’re Going Streaking!!!!!
(No, actually we’re not…)

Does anyone else automatically think of this whenever they hear the words “old school”?  I wanted to share the video, but keeping with the whole “clean” blog policy I couldn’t share Will Ferrell’s bare behind on here… I did share a link if you’re curious and don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, but remember, caution on Will’s nudity!

So WHY am I sharing a picture from the movie Old School?  Recently Jen Kehl tagged me in this wicked cool old school blogging post-I thought it would be fun.  I haven’t made any lists in a while, and it isn’t asking me to come up with random facts about me (thank goodness, because I think I’m fresh out!)

2013-07-027Two of my favorite things, most days.

Five Things I Have A Passion For
1. My Family
2. Music
3. Movies
4. Writing
5. Anything with chocolate on it.

My kind of bucket list.

My kind of bucket list.

Five Things I Would Like To Do Before I Kick The Bucket
Because according to my daughter, you die when you turn 41.
1.  Buy a bucket
2.  Get paid to write something besides sponsored tweets.
3. See a real Broadway musical live (and get to go backstage afterwards, but I know that’s really pushing it…)
4.  Learn to play the guitar and cello.
5.  Refer to the places I want to travel list, because I’d like to do that.

Five Things I Say A Lot
Just five, there are many, many more…
1.  I rued the day once.
2.  The force is strong with this one.
3.  Please stop licking/chewing/tasting the blanket/stuffed animal/table leg (and this is to my kids, NOT the animals that reside in my house!)
4. There is no possible way you need to go to the bathroom AGAIN!!!!!
5. Don’t make me text your father!
For more disturbing things that we say in our house on a regular basis, click HERE.

Five Things I Have Read Lately
Because I read sooooo much these days.
1. The back of a box of Tuna Helper
2.  Funny blogs, lots and lots of them
3. The instructions to… never mind…
4.  The coupon insert of the newspaper
5.  The lyrics to “Girl”

chowNot one of my very favorite movies, but I have been quoting Chow a lot lately…

Five Favorite Movies
I have to pick only FIVE???
1. Sixteen Candles
2. Back to the Future
3. Avengers
4. Dead Poets Society
5.The Princess Bride

AvengersThis is my favorite meme right now…

Five Places I Would Love To Travel
That way I can put stuff on my Facebook page to make people jealous…
1.  NOT Iowa
2.  China
3.  Australia
4.  Italy
5.  Egypt

Five Lovely Bloggers I’m Tagging for This Thing
There are so many to choose from, so PLEASE don’t be jealous if I didn’t choose you!
1. Marcia @ Menopausal Mother
2. Karen @ Baking in a Tornado
3. Terrye @ The Adventures of a Misplaced Alaskan
4. Melissa @ Motherhood is an Art
5. Joy @ Evil Joy Speaks

So now my pretties, you know what to do… make your fun lists post and link it back to me.  It’s like a chain letter but so, so much better!  If you’re feeling blue because I didn’t tag you don’t despair-you can join in on the fun too by making your own lists-I’d love to see them!

One of my favorite cartoons on the internet.

One of my favorite cartoons on the internet.

Twisted Mixtape Tuesday Bathtub Time Machine: 80s Ear Worms and Eye Worms


Jen Kehl

It’s time for another Twisted Mixtape Tuesday!

Eh?  What is Twisted Mixtape Tuesday?  It is a reminder of long past times.  The days of yore where you sat in front of the stereo, finger on the record button, waiting for that one song to come on so you could capture it on cassette to listen to over and over.  It’s longing for those days when you showed somebody you cared by making them a tape of all your favorite songs.  Then hope you hoped that the cat didn’t get a hold of the tape and shred it before you gave it, along with your heart, to that special someone.

Yeah whatevs… It’s a bunch of people who love music, sharing what is in their heads and hearts from week to week.

When I think of another chapter of Jen and Kristi’s musical epicness, the following opening sequence comes to mind:

In a freak mishap, the bathtub time machine had a bit of a crash.  The control panel is all messed up, and apparently the only songs that we can check out today are ones that invade your ears and eyes.  The songs that make you wish that you could wash your eardrums and scrub your corneas to make them go away.  These songs that initially are not necessarily bad, but then they are just like bad company-they just WON’T LEAVE YOUR BRAIN!

Eye worms?  Yes people, this is the 80s after all.  This is the era where MTV took the world by storm, and artists rushed to make videos that were not only memorable but sometimes just a little disturbing.

Please help restore the bathtub to its original state by viewing all of these videos.  Come on, take one for the team!

 Pop Goes The World-Men Without Hats

This is probably the only song in the world that annoys my son.  It’s in my braaaaaaaaain now.  The video has lots of bubbles.

Micky-Toni Basil

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!  My ears!  My ears!!!!!!  Is anyone else disturbed by this video too???

Never Gonna Give You Up-Rick Astley

Now it’s an endless source of memes on the internet, but back then that song burrowed right into the lobes of your brain with no apologies.


Lies-The Thompson Twins

When I think of 80s videos that I cannot unsee, I think of this one.

I Got My Mind Set on You-George Harrison

Video Director to George Harrison:  “Hey let’s make all the things in the background of the video move around and stuff.”
George Harrions:  “K.”
Who else sees the title to this song and automatically sings “This Song is Just Six Words Long”?

I Want To Break Free-Queen

And last but not least… There’s a story behind this one.  I remember anxiously awaiting Queen’s latest video and actually watched the world premiere.  Then fell on the floor laughing when Freddie walked out with his vacuum.  I must say, at least Freddie Mercury really had the legs to pull it off.

Thank you for your help. We can now return to 2013 and start preparing for next week’s journey, the 1990s.  Now, go wash your head.

SAMSUNGJames Tiberius Kat thanks you for your support…

Now don’t be a music douche.  Provided I didn’t totally melt your brain here, be sure to click on the button at the top to see the wide variety of songs that people listened to in the 80s.  It amazes me every week how few of the songs we share are repeated.  I think it’s cool how diverse we all are in our musical tastes.

Oh yes, just like Columbo, I’ve got just one more thing:

PLEASE pretty please go over and support the ladies at the Humor Me Blog Hop!  It’s ok if you stay in the bathtub-you won’t have to go very far if you pee your pants laughing!